HomeHis Journey from Home to Tawi-Tawi, a Success Story

His Journey from Home to Tawi-Tawi, a Success Story


Written by: NUP Merlie A. Dacunos

This week we will feature the life story of a policeman whose humble beginnings will inspire you to transform your present circumstances into a better and successful one.

Join me as I tell you the modest life of PSMS Eldifonso Recla Cutas. He hails from Barili, Cebu.

Would you believe that PSMS Cutas used to wrap rice and dried fish in banana leaves when they went to school with his sister in elementary? Yes, you heard it right, they were dirt poor. His classmates used to tease and laugh at him because his school bag was made of sack sewn by his father.

But his parents worked hard until his father established himself and was able to work in the seaweeds industry. He then transferred to Tawi-tawi to begin a business in seaweeds.

Tawi-tawi the southernmost province in the country is rich in flora and fauna. His father chose to do business is this area because of the abundance of seaweeds. They were able to bounce back from their situation.

In high school, their way of living improved and he wasn’t teased anymore. His father engaged in business with the Muslims and it worked into their favor.

In college he was educated in Southwestern University, he took up Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology and graduated in 1997.

After graduation, he traveled to Tawi-tawi to help his father take care of their business. Unfortunately, trouble rose in the Mindanao region in 2001. War and extortion was prevalent which forced his father and PSMS Cutas to move back to Barili, Cebu.

Upon their return, his father bought a van and turn it into a V-Hire to have an income. PSMS Cutas drove the V-Hire from Cebu City to the South to maintain their source of livelihood.

There was one experience that he cannot forget when he met an accident in Ronda, Cebu. The vehicle he was driving flipped three times which scared his passengers. Luckily, no one was hurt.

Before he entered the police service he experienced working as a Medical Representative in 2003.

In September 1, 2005 he was hired in the PNP. According to PSMS Cutas he decided to work in the police service because of the influence of his relatives. His uncles in the mother and father side were police officers.

Currently, PSMS Eldifonso Recla Cutas is assigned at the Provincial Administrative and Resource Management Unit catering to the needs of human resources and employee benefits.

PSMS Cutas is loved and supported by his wife Mrs. Ivy Mosqueda and his three children, Luisa Alliyanah, Bonn Gabino and Lucas Alain Angelo.

He is inspired by a Chinese proverb “I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits the bottom”. This is true in his life, he bounced back so high that he is reaping the fruits of his labor.

Looking back, his life when he was younger is far cry from his current status. Rightly, when you worked hard there is always a rewarding result. Be inspired by PSMS Eldifonso Recla Cutas success story.

Padayun sa imong kakugi sa serbisyo PSMS Eldifonso Recla Cutas, Mabuhi ka!

Source: Cebu Police Provincial Office


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